F 0407 230508 Workflow


The Sensius thermotherapy system provides several workflow benefits as it is fully adapted to the radiotherapy workflow

The treatment planning per patient costs around one hour because it is highly automated, using AI segmentation. Due to its ease of use, radiotherapy staff will require limited training in order to use this system as they will recognize the procedure.

The patient positioning can be reproduced as the position is monitored with facial recognition. The water bolus and the comfortable matrass ensure that the patient is able to endure the 60 minutes treatment.

Adaptive Treatment

We adapt our treatment plan to a patient's history of previous treatments and the response to those treatments. 

We illustrate our Adaptive Treatment concept and describe how the effect of initial treatment decisions depends on the performance of subsequent decisions at later stages

F 0407 230508 Workflow

Demonstration of the thermotherapy treatment

In this mock video we demonstrate the treatment itself.

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Demonstration of the thermotherapy treatment